Home & Auto
We believe that “Knowledge is Power” when it comes to protecting your Home and Auto as well. We want you to understand what is covered, as well as what is not covered with the insurance that you purchase. 95% of the quotes we provide our clients not only result in saving money, but often times include important coverage’s not included in the original customers policy. As an Independent Insurance Agency we will shop multiple companies for you (we have access to over 15 Comapnies!), to find the best combination of coverage’s and cost. For us to fully understand your individual needs, and circumstances, we feel it is important to visit with each customer one on one to make sure they are properly protected. We have a strong belief that customer satisfaction is key so even if your policy is not with us don't hesitate to contact us to answer any questions you may regarding your insurance coverage, it would be our pleasure to assist you.
For more information please call 563-359-0854 email Insurance@CitiesIG.com or visit our FaceBook Page www.facebook.com/citiesig
Quote Request - Personal Insurance
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