Insurance Made Easy
Thank you for visiting our site. Cities Insurance Group is an Independent Insurance Agency providing the Quad City.
Area with all of their Insurance Needs. We believe Knowledge is Power and our objective is to make sure our customers have all of the knowledge they need to make the best decision for their individual insurance need. You can research, request a quote and schedule an appointment for any of your personal insurance needs as well as, life insurance, annuities and health products, all right here. We are here to support you and meet your needs. Please feel free to contact us at ANY time at 563-359-0854.
Visit our Library of information to learn about various types of insurance, from the basic product types all the way up to advanced financial planning.
Request a quote, by submitting the required information online and one of our agents will contact you shortly. All of our quotes are free with no obligations.
We are here to make the purchase process as simple as possible. We know how valuable your time is and we pride ourselves in tailoring our service around each unique customer.
Get Started Today
Use our instant term quoter below to get an affordable term life insurance quote. Also, visit the library if you want to learn more about insurance.